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Act 205 Distress Scores Based on the 2021 Actuarial Valuation Reports – 05/02/2024 - Municipalities listed have all of their reported pension plans filed with the Municipal Pension Reporting Program (MPRP). If a municipality has one or more plans outstanding a distress score cannot be determined until all plans have been filed with MPRP. Municipalities that have only defined contribution plans can never be considered distressed and are not listed.
2022 Act 205 Distress Scores PDF | Excel
2020 Act 205 Distress Scores PDF | Excel 
2018 Act 205 Distress Scores PDF | Excel 
2016 Act 205 Distress Scores PDF | Excel 
2014 Act 205 Distress Scores PDF | Excel
2012 Act 205 Distress Scores PDF | Excel
2010 Act 205 Distress Scores Excel

Status Report on Local Government Pension Plans - A report provides a summary and analysis of municipal pension plan data submitted under Act 205 of 1984 and county pension plan data submitted under Act 293 of 1972. A report presents summary statistical data on all local government pension plans and provides analysis to increase the awareness of local government retirement issues and trends.
2021 Status Report - Published May 2023
   Table 1

2019 Status Report - Published February 2021
   Table 1


2017 Status Report - Published February 2019
   Table 1


2015 Status Report - Published December 2016
   Table 1


2013 Status Report - Published December 2014
   Table 1


2011 Status Report - Published December 2012 PDF
2009 Status Report - Published January 2010 PDF